Let Us Accept Autism
Let Us Accept Autism
Let Us Accept Autism
Meeting families touched by Autism, mostly at the early stages of diagnosis has made me aware of the fear, confusion, pain, self blame, despair, helplessness, denial, anger that parents feel. On most days I go through the emotional trauma along with each family, every day every week a new family. Some days are very difficult and I question myself and my place.. other days I do better. What brings me back every day are the victories I witness and the ones my team shares with me everyday.. We have learned to celebrate them, to recognize these priceless achievements..
- Fleeting eye contact!
- He looked at his favorite toy and smiled!
- She handed me the picture for Help and no prompts were needed!
- He made new sounds today!
- He said Mama! He waved bye!
- He spoke in a two word phrase!
- She sat on her chair for 3 minutes!
- He is exploring new toys!
- He let me help him when fixing the puzzle!
- She copied her first gesture!
- He peed in the toilet!
- He ate a new food!
- He has a friend at school!
We joyously and boisterously celebrate these victories EVERY DAY!!
I have learned to pause, smile and appreciate every bit of success because it is a step forward and even if somedays we go backwards, that is okay… tomorrow will be another day. Let us be kind.
Let us Accept Autism.
#WAAD 2019.