A Skill Based Assessment for Intervention Planning – Autism/Developmental Delays
December 14, 2012 2023-07-13 14:17A Skill Based Assessment for Intervention Planning – Autism/Developmental Delays
A Skill Based Assessment for Intervention Planning – Autism/Developmental Delays
When you feel that your child is not developing correctly as compared to other children of his age, it is usually because you have observed some kind of skill deficit in your child.
Research suggests that usually when a parent feels this way, they end up being correct about a discrepancy in their child’s developmental milestones. Here in the UAE, it is quite difficult to procure accurate and reliable diagnostic assessment services for children with Autism or Developmental Delays. Therefore while you wait for such a service for your child a skill based assessment for intervention planning is highly recommended.
An assessment that is designed developmentally, will show you the skill areas in which your child has deficits the extent of deficits, which in turn will give you and the therapists an indication towards planning intervention for your child. No matter what the diagnostic label, you still need to provide your child with support in order to fill the skill deficits as soon as possible.
Thus a skill based assessment helps towards
- Placement for nursery/school/center
- Preparation of an Individual Therapy/Education Plan
- Therapy/Service/Special Provision Needs Analysis